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Saturday, January 03, 2009

How I Make Soya Bean with Cheap Blender

This is how soya bean looked like, kind of sphere in shape. I measure a mini bowl (size like add small rice at Tai Tung) full of it for 2 to 3 big cup of soya bean milk.

Put in a big bowl and soak with water for 6 hours or more. Don't soak more than 24 hours though.... The beans will grow..

This is how my soya bean looked like after 8 hours of water spa ^.^ It doubled in size horizontally, so it is now oval in shape. Photo above taken in the same mini bowl just for your eye's comparison, I have to use a normal sized bowl to measure and pour into my blender.

To start, I add 1 part of water to 1 part of soya bean to be blended at highest speed possible, for about... 2 min to 3 min. Too much water added at early stage will make the blending less efficient ~ cheap blender mah.. After that, add 2 more part of water into blender to let the water and milk mix well, blend for 30s or so..

The product consists of 2/3 raw soya bean milk and 1/3 of bubble. It's now ready to cook!

Cook at medium low flame. Dont go away from your pot. It'll go from this much

to this much at speed of F1 racing car!!!

Ok ok immediately turn to low flame and cook for ~1min.. with lid open. While doing so, stir occasionally and take out the pulp on top.

In the mean time, I've prepare my mug with some honey ;)

And finally, after soya beam milk is cooked enough, serve! (^.^)


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